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Abolition is Justice: The Only Way to Achieve Public Safety

We have been taught that police are here to protect and serve but yet we are witnessing more deaths of people of color at the hands of police. Prison reform will not solve the institution of police and prison that are deeply rooted in racism. Abolition is the only way to achieve public safety. Abolition is not just about the absence of something, it is also a presence—a presence of justice, equity and humanity. What is Abolition? Abolition means to completely dismantle something, in this case, it means to completely dismantle the prison system and police system that has been built on centuries-old racism. It calls for structural changes such as investing in community-led interventions such as restorative justice and...

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Books to Help Abolish the Prison Industrial Complex

The prison industrial complex is a system in which prisons are used as a way to control and profit off of incarcerated people. This system disproportionately targets black and brown bodies, as well as poor people. There are a lot of books that explore the different facets of this system and how it affects people's lives. Here is a list of some books that can help educate you on the prison industrial complex and how to abolition it. "Captive Genders: Trans Embodiment and the Prison Industrial Complex" by Eric A. Stanley and Nat Smith This book explores how transgender people are disproportionately affected by the prison industrial complex. It discusses how trans people are often targeted by law enforcement and...

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