Unpacking the Radical Power of Rest and Self-Care

As the world continues to grapple with issues of capitalism, white supremacy, and systemic racism, activism can be a physically and emotionally exhausting journey. It is no longer news that historical and contemporary systems of oppression constantly push us to our limits, leaving us drained and worn out.

In the midst of all these, rest and self-care has emerged as a crucial tool for organizers to use in navigating these challenging times. Restorative activities have the power to challenge the very systems designed to put us down. In this blog post, we will explore how rest and self-care is a radical act against capitalism and white supremacy, and why it should be embraced by every activist.

1. Rest Reaffirms our Humanity
In a world that teaches the idea of "productive"value almost like a religion, resting is often seen as a luxury. Society and particularly capitalism thrives on making us work long hours without breaks, pushing us to our limits and erasing the need for rest. However, when we value rest as a significant need rather than a luxury, we reaffirm our humanity and our inherent value as people. By ensuring we have more time for rest and engaging in compassionate self-care, we challenge the idea that our worth is tied to our productivity. 

2. Rest Challenges Systems that Seek to Devalue our Lives
Capitalism and white supremacy thrive on exploiting our bodies and minds for their gain and at the expense of our humanity. When we prioritize rest and self-care, we challenge these systems and reject the idea of overworking ourselves to prove our worth. Through rest, we send a strong message that we won't let these oppressive systems have control over our bodies and minds, and that we are taking back our power.

3. Rest Improves our Mental and Physical Health
Rest and self-care are not luxuries; they are necessities that contribute to our overall wellbeing. By failing to rest, we not only put our physical health at risk but also our mental and emotional well-being. Mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and burnout can crop up as a result of overworking ourselves. By prioritizing rest, we not only reduce stress levels but also increase productivity and resilience.

4. Resting Allows for Collective Healing
The activism space can be a place of immense stress, anxiety, and burnout. However, by prioritizing rest, self-care, and collective healing, we create a space for ourselves and others to recharge and process their emotions. When we take care of ourselves, we also create a space for others to take care of themselves, share struggles and joys, and build connections that help us face the oppressions we are fighting.

5. Rest Creates Space for Joy
Finally, resting and engaging in compassionate self-care provides space for joy. Through resting, we have the opportunity to tap into things that bring us joy and pleasure, which serves as a form of resistance in itself. Joy can be a radical act that shifts our energy and perspective towards liberation, hope, and healing.

Rest and self-care allow us to profoundly challenge capitalism and white supremacy's oppressive systems while taking back our power and prioritizing our humanity. By breaking down stigmas around rest and self-care, we empower ourselves, prioritize our well-being, and collectively heal from the cyclical harm caused by systemic oppression. Join the nap ministry community and tap into the power of rest, joyful resistance and radical compassion.